about kate

Kate Ledogar lives with her family, including husband, sons, dogs, cats, chickens and goldfish, in the state of Maine in the US. She holds an MFA from Massachusetts College of Art. She has taught art for over 25 years to students age 2 to 100. She was a critic for Boston’s Weekly Dig newspaper, and her current writing can be found at her Substack. She ran a gallery, 108, in Somerville, MA in the early 2000’s. She has had the pleasure of being a student of many excellent artists, including Barkley Hendricks, Charles Chu, William Wegman, Jeremy Foss and Helen Miranda Wilson. She hails from a family of painters including Amy Worth, Alice Denison, Jim Ledogar and Joan Berglund.

about candy shop art

Candy Shop Art is Kate’s first venture committed to the sale and exhibition of her visual art. She plans to offer courses via the website and - potentially, eventually - also represent other artists.